

作者 佚名技术 来源 网络技术 浏览 480 发布时间 2012-07-01
tive VLAN and 802.1q trunking, refer to

! -- Trunking Between Catalyst 4000, 5000, and6000 Family Switches Using 802.1q Encapsulation.

Catalyst6500> (enable) set trunk 3/1 nonegotiate dot1q

Port(s) 3/1-2 trunk mode set to nonegotiate.

Port(s) 3/1-2 trunk type set to dot1q.

Catalyst6500> (enable) show config

This command shows non-default configurations only.

Use ''show config all'' to show both default and non-default configurations.









#time: Thu May 2 2002, 01:26:26


#version 5.5(14)




set system name Catalyst6500




set vtp mode transparent

set vlan 1 name default type ethernet mtu 1500 said 100001 state active

set vlan 2 name VLAN0002 type ethernet mtu 1500 said 100002 state active

set vlan 1002 name fddi-default type fddi mtu 1500 said 101002 state active

set vlan 1004 name fddinet-default type fddinet mtu 1500 said 101004 state active stp ieee

set vlan 1005 name trnet-default type trbrf mtu 1500 said 101005 state active stp ibm

set vlan 1003 name token-ring-default type trcrf mtu 1500 said 101003 state active

mode srb aremaxhop 7 stemaxhop 7

backupcrf off



set interface sc0 1

set ip route !

#set boot command

set boot config-register 0x2102

set boot system flash bootflash:cat6000-sup.5-5-14.bin


#port channel

set port channel 3/1-2 105


# default port status is enable



#module 1 empty


#module 2 : 2-port 1000BaseX Supervisor


#module 3 : 48-port 10/100BaseTX Ethernet

set vlan 2 3/4

set port disable 3/5

set port speed 3/1-2 100

set port duplex 3/1-2 full

set trunk 3/1 nonegotiate isl 1-1005

set trunk 3/2 nonegotiate isl 1-1005

!-- If IEEE 802.1q is configured,

!-- you will see the following output instead:

set trunk 3/1 nonegotiate dot1q 1-1005

set trunk 3/2 nonegotiate dot1q 1-1005

set port channel 3/1-2 mode on


#module 4 : 24-port 100BaseFX MM Ethernet


#module 5 empty


#module 6 empty


#module 15 empty


#module 16 empty


Cisco 7500 Router

Note: The following screen captures show the commands that were entered on the Cisco 7500 router. Comments between the commands are added in blue italics to explain certain commands and steps.

! -- Configure a port-channel interface to enable FEC.

7500#configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

7500(config)#int port-channel 1

01:34:10: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Port-channel1, changed

state to down

! -- Configure full-duplex to match the duplex setting on the Catalyst switch side.



! -- If using ISL trunking, configure two port-channel sub-interfaces and enable ISL trunking

! -- by issuing the encapsulation isl command.

! -- Configure IP addresses for InterVLAN routing.

7500(config)#int port-channel 1.1

7500(config-subif)#encapsulation isl 1

7500(config-subif)#ip address


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