作者 佚名技术
来源 Linux系统
发布时间 2012-07-04
setsebool - set SELinux boolean valuesetsebool(8) SELinux Command Line documentation setsebool(8)
NAME setsebool - set SELinux boolean value SYNOPSIS命令格式 setsebool [ -P ] boolean value | bool1=val1 bool2=val2 ... DESCRIPTION 描述 setsebool sets the current state of a particular SELinux boolean or a list of booleans to a given value. The value may be 1 or true or on to enable the boolean, or 0 or false or off to disable it. setsebool设置特定的SElinux布尔值状态值或者一系列给定布尔值的状态值. 这些状态值可能是1、true和on;或者是0、false以及off Without the -P option, only the current boolean value is affected; the boot-time default settings are not changed. 不带-P参数表示设置仅在当前状态起作用,重启后恢复为启动时设置值 If the -P option is given, all pending values are written to the policy file on disk. So they will be persistant across reboots. 带-P参数表示设置值将写入磁盘上的策略文件,该值将跨越重启永久存在,持续到下一次的永久改变. SEE ALSO 参考 getsebool(8), booleans(8), togglesebool(8) setenforce(1) SELinux Command Line documentation setenforce(1) NAME setenforce - modify the mode SELinux is running in.改变SElinux的运行模式 SYNOPSIS setenforce [ Enforcing | Permissive | 1 | 0 ] DESCRIPTION Use Enforcing or 1 to put SELinux in enforcing mode. Use Per- missive or 0 to put SELinux in permissive mode. You need to modify /etc/grub.conf or /etc/selinux/config to disable
SELinux. 设置为 Enforcing或者1,将使SElinux运行在强制执行模式 设置为 Permissive或者0,将使SElinux运行在警告模式 你需要更改/etc/grub.conf或者/etc/selinux/config来关闭SElinux FILES /etc/grub.conf, /etc/selinux/config getenforce(1) SELinux Command Line documentation getenforce(1) NAME getenforce - get the current mode of SELinux SYNOPSIS getenforce DESCRIPTION getenforce reports whether SELinux is enforcing, permissive, or disabled. getenforce报告当前的SElinux状态是enforcing,permissive或disabled selinuxenabled(1) SELinux Command Line documentation selinuxenabled(1) NAME selinuxenabled - tool to be used within shell scripts to deter- mine if selinux is enabled SYNOPSIS selinuxenabled DESCRIPTION selinuxenabled Indicates whether SELinux is enabled or dis- abled. It exits with status 0 if SELinux is enabled and 1 if it is not enabled. 在shell脚本中查看当前SElinux状态是enabled还是disabled tips:使用setsebool命令 1.不重新启动系统,实时并永久关闭某一服务的selinux保护 httpd:setsebool -P httpd_disable_trans 1;service httpd restart samba:setsebool -P smbd_disable_trans 1;service smb restart bind: nfs: setsebool -P nfs_export_all_ro 1 (允许只读共享) setsebool -P nfs_export_all_rw 1 (允许读写共享) squid:setseboo |
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