

作者 佚名技术 来源 服务器技术 浏览 发布时间 2012-07-11
["v"+i].text = alpha[i];
headline = function (x, y, txt, dx) {
_root.createTextField("title", 900, x, y, 0, 0);
title.autoSize = true;
title.selectable = false;
title.text = txt;
mytxf = new TextFormat();//创建一个文本格式对象;
mytxf.size = dx;//太小
mytxf.color = 0xff0000;//颜色
mytxf.underline = true;//下划线
startDraw = function () {
m = Number(v1.text);
n = Number(v3.text);//把v1,v3文本框中的值给m,n;
x = -200;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("xian", 300);
xian.moveTo(-200, 100);
xian._x = 275;
xian._y = 193;
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
a = -(100/(Math.sqrt(2*Math.PI)*25*n))*Math.exp((-(Math.pow((x-100*m), 2)))/ (2*Math.pow(25*n, 2)));//这个为正态曲线公式,根椐这个公式来画线;
with (xian) {
lineStyle(2, 0xE001E0, 100);
lineTo(x, 50*a+100);//画线
if (x<=200) {//画线范围
x += 3;//3为画线速度,建议设小一点,fps设大一点,这样使画出的线更平滑;
_root.btn1.enabled = 1;//暂停按钮可用
_root.btn5.enabled = 1;//继续按钮可用
continueDraw = function () {
xian.moveTo(x-3, 50*a+100);//x,a继承上面函数的值,从当前位置画
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
a = -(100/(Math.sqrt(2*Math.PI)*25*n))*Math.exp((-(Math.pow((x-100*m), 2)))/ (2*Math.pow(25*n, 2)));
with (xian) {
lineStyle(2, 0xE001E0, 100);
lineTo(x, 50*a+100);
if (x<=200) {
x += 3;//同上
pause_clear = function (k) {//不为0时为暂停,为0时为清除;
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
x += 0;//x值不增加
if (k) {
_root.btn1.enabled = 0;
_root.btn5.enabled = 0;
_root.onLoad = function() {
headline(230, 20, "正态曲线", 20);
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("frame"+i, 400+i);
display(_root.frame0, 40, 55, 470, 270, "显示", 0xE6E1CC);
display(_root.frame1, 40, 350, 160, 40, "变量", 0xDCE6ED);
display(_root.frame2, 220, 350, 290, 40, "操作", 0xDCE6ED);
coordinate(275, 295);
inputBoxs(50, 365);
_root.attachMovie("formula", "formula", 500);
formula.useHandCursor = false;//鼠标不变手形
formula._x = 42;
formula._y = 57;
for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("btn"+i, 700+i);
CommandButton(_root["btn"+i], mytxt[i], 1);//用循环来画按钮;
_root["btn"+i]._x = 230+55*i;
_root["btn"+i]._y = 360;
_root.btn5._x = 230+55*1;
_root.btn5._y = 360;
_root.btn5._visible = 0;//设置按钮位置,并把暂停和继续按钮放在一起;且开始时继续不可见
_root.btn1.enabled = 0;//开始时暂停不可用
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {//以下为按上每个按钮的动作;
_root.btn0.onPress = function() {
CommandButton(_root.btn0, mytxt[0], 0);//按鼠标时按钮凹下;
_root.btn1._visible = 1;//暂停按钮可见
_root.btn5._visible = 0;继续按钮不可见
_root.btn0.onRelease = function() {
CommandButton(_root.btn0, mytxt[0], 1);//松开鼠标时按钮凸起;
_root.btn1.onPress = function() {
CommandButton(_root.btn1, mytxt[1], 0);
_root.btn1.onRelease = function() {
CommandButton(_root.btn1, mytxt[1], 1);
_root.btn1._visible = 0;
_root.btn5._visible = 1;//按了暂停按钮时,变成继续按钮;
_root.btn2.onPress = function() {
CommandButton(_root.btn2, mytxt[2]

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