作者 佚名技术
来源 Linux系统
发布时间 2012-05-13
tab Ctrl Shift c/v Copy/Paste Ctrl Shift w open a tab ==================================================================================== Unit 5 Standard I/O and Pipes 1,Standard input and output 2,Redirecting output displayed on the terminal 3,Redirecting input and output 4,Overwriting or Appending 5,Redirecting Standard Output 6,Redirecting Standard Error 7,Redirecting Both Standard Output and Error 8,Redirecting input 9,cut 10,sort 11,Using Pipes to Connect Processes 12,Using Pipes For Mail 13,tee 1,Standard input and output Standard input - keyboard 0 Standard output - terminal windows 1 Standard error - terminal windows 2 ls -l /dev/std* 2,Redirecting output displayed on the terminal find /etc -name passwd
Unit 12 - Introduction to String Processing 1,head 2,tail 3,wc 4,uniq 5,Other String Processing Tools 6,Version Comparison with diff 7,Spell Checking with aspell 8,Formatting Tools 1,head use -n 行数 (default 10 lines) use --lines 10 use -12 filename 适合查看文件开头的介绍部分 2,tail -n or --lines or -n 适合查看刚刚更新的文件/etc/passwd -f 查看文件时不关闭文件,适合查看正在更新的日志 cat /var/log/messages 3,wc -l for only line count -w word -c character wc README 207 1924 13001 4,uniq 去掉相邻的重复行 sort file1 |uniq = sort -u -c count numbers of 重复行 5,Other String Processing Tools paste 水平合并多个文件(tab)分隔 paste fiel1 fiel2 > file3 cat file1 file2 >file3 垂直合并 tr替换 tr ''A-Z'' ''a-z'' <a.txt 例子:unix和dos下文本文件的段落符$ r cat -A file4 a$ a$ cat -A file4 | tr '' |
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