作者 佚名技术
来源 Linux系统
发布时间 2012-05-13
=============================================================================== RH033-01 RH4 ES 的安装过程 1,建立了/boot,/和/swap三个分区 2,语言选择都是en 3,软件包默认 =============================================================================== RH033-02 RH033共有3个Section Objecttives of RH033 FIle and directory operations Understanding users and groups Standard I/O and pipes String processing Managing processes bash shell operations The graphical environments in Red Hat Enterprise Linux Print and Mial Basic networking tools The vi editor System tools =============================================================================== Unit 1 - Overview 1,UNIX history 2,UNIX princliples 3,GNU Project/FSF 4,GPL- GNU General Pbulic License 5,Linux Origins 6,Why Linux 7,Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8,Recommended Hardware Specifications 9,Local Logins 10,Virtual Consoles 11,The Xorg GUI Framework 12,Xorg Graphical Environments 13,Starting Xorg 14,Changing Your Password 1,UNIX history AT&T注册了UNIX商标 2,UNIX princliples Everything is a file (including hardware) Configuration data stored in text Small,single-purpose programs Avoid captive user interfaces Ability to chain programs together to perform comples tasks 串联多个小程序执行复杂任务 3,GNU Project/FSF Goal:Create "free" UNIX clone started in 1984 4中自由:使用,学习,散布,改善 4,GPL- GNU General Pbulic License Often called "copyleft" 5,Linux Origins linus Torvalds in 1991 6,Why Linux a UNIX-like OS Multi-user and multi-tasking Wide hardware support Fully supported 7,Red Hat Enterprise Linux A distribution of Linux
Custom version of a recent Linux kernel Utilities and applicatios 8,Recommended Hardware Specifications P2 with 256MB RAM 9,Local Logins Text-mode 区分管理员和普通用户的提示符不同 Graphical login 10,Virtual Consoles Multiple non-GUI logins CTRL ALT F1--F6 tty指令可以判断目前在哪个虚拟控制台 X在CTRL ALT F7里面 11,The Xorg GUI Framework clinet/server architecture RHEL4:ssh protocol 12,Xorg Graphical Environments GNOME = The default desktop KDE 13Starting Xorg startx 14,Changing Your Password Password change passwd指令可以修改自己密码 建议用ACSII code做密码 只有root可能修改他人密码 =============================================================================== Unit 2 - Running Commands and Getting Help 1,Running Commands 2,Some Simple Commands 3,Getting Help 4,The whatis Command 5,The --help Option 6,Reading Usage Summaries 7,The man Command 8,Navigating man Pages 9,The info Command 10,Navigating info Pages 11,Extended Documentation 12,Red Hat Documentation 1,Running Commands 一条指令的3个组成部分,每个部分之间用空格隔开 command [options] [arguments] 指令 选项 参数 [options]修改指令功能 如果是整个单词,前面接--,单个字母用- 多个单个字母可以连写如: -a -l写成--al [arguments]文件名或其它信息 举例:passwd -S user1 查看user1的密码信息 useradd user passwd --status user2 相同 -S 2,Some Simple Commands date -s 22:02 date %T date %T%D cal 6 2008 3,Getting Help Don''t try to memorize everything whatis <command> --help man |
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