
linux iptables L7-filter

作者 佚名技术 来源 Linux系统 浏览 发布时间 2012-05-17
ocols/* /etc/
The /etc/l7-protocols folder is the default folder for pattern files, and iptables will look into it and its subfolders, but not recursively. This means that iptables will search for pattern files in /etc/l7-protocols and in any /etc/l7-protocols/subdir, but not in /etc/l7-protocols/subdir/subsubdir.
If you don''t wish to set up the /etc/l7-protocols folder, you can specify the pattern files folder by doing:
iptables […] –m layer7 –-l7dir /path-to/patterns –-l7proto […]
Please note that you have to specify the patterns folder before the protocol.
Testing the Installation
First, we might want to see if our module is in place. We can do that using the modinfo command:
router:~# modinfo ipt_layer7
filename: /lib/modules/
author: Matthew Strait <quadong@users.sf.net>,
Ethan Sommer <sommere@users.sf.net>
license: GPL
description: iptables application layer match module
vermagic: preempt PENTIUMIII gcc-3.3
depends: ip_tables
The output shows that we have a module called ipt_layer7 and some information about it, such as filename, author, license, description, version, and other module dependencies.
Next, we will try to load the module using the modprobe command:
router:~# modprobe ipt_layer7
router:~# lsmod
Module Size Used by
ipt_layer7 12364 0
The modprobe command didn''t produce any errors. By using the lsmod command, we can see the module loaded into the kernel, its size, and the number of processes it is used by (in our case 0), because we didn''t used it yet.
Next, we might want to test it and see if it works. We will do that by using Apache web server, placing some files in the web folder and downloading them. When downloading the files, we should see that all packets are matched. First, we will use the command iptables –Z to zero the counters of all the rules in all chains, and then we will insert an accounting rule in the OUTPUT chain to match all the outgoing HTTP traffic.
router:~# iptables -Z
router:~# iptables -A OUTPUT -m layer7 --l7proto http
router:~# iptables -L OUTPUT -n -v
Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 10168 packets, 3433K bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
0 0 all -- * *
LAYER7 l7proto http
Next, we download the file whale.qt (for example) from this server; and look in the apache access.log:
"GET /whale.qt HTTP/1.1" 200 11727970 "-"
So we must have 11 Mb matched the accounting rule in the OUTPUT chain.
router:~# iptables -L OUTPUT -n -v
Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 172K packets, 65M bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
0 0 all -- * *
LAYER7 l7proto http
Oops! No packet was matched. Did we do something wrong or is L7-filter not good at all? Well, in most cases, the first option is valid, so when looking again at the
ipt_layer7 module, we can see that it depends ly the ip_tables module.
We now quickly verify what modules are loaded in the kernel, but we don''t

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