
linux iptables L7-filter

作者 佚名技术 来源 Linux系统 浏览 发布时间 2012-05-17
see the ip_conntrack module. Normally, ipt_layer7 should have had ip_conntrack in the dependencies, but it doesn''t. That is why we neither got any errors while loading the module nor did we get any result.
We know that L7-filter uses the ip_conntrack module; so we need to load it. Let''s see what happens now.
router:~# modprobe ip_conntrack
router:~# iptables -L OUTPUT -n -v
Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 457K packets, 159M bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
0 0 all -- * *
LAYER7 l7proto http
router:~# wget
=> `whale.qt''
Connecting to connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 11,727,970 [video/quicktime]
100%[==================================================================================>] 11,727,970 12.74M/s
00:37:22 (12.71 MB/s) - `whale.qt'' saved [11727970/11727970]
router:~# iptables -L OUTPUT -n -v
Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 467K packets, 175M bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
1433 12M all -- * *
LAYER7 l7proto http
Well, as you can see, it worked. Now we have a Linux router with application layer filtering capabilities.
L7-filter Applications
We can use L7-filter with any iptables option; after all, L7-filter provides just another match option. However, not all the things we can do with our new match option are recommended, because L7-filter might match packets belonging to other applications than the e you want.
# matches everything and too much
# ^(xe3|xc5|xd4)
# ipp2p essentially uses "xe3....x47", which doesn''t seem at all right to me.
# bandwidtharbitrator uses
# e0.*@.*6[a-z].*p$|e0.*@.*[a-z]6[a-z].*p0$|e.*@.*[0-9]6.*p$|emule|edonkey
# no comments to explain what all the mush is, of course...
Well, they all use different patterns, which explains the difference.
BitTorrent values are closer between IPP2P and L7-filter, but we can''t tell which e is closer to the truth. To be able to make such an affirmation, we have to set up a test lab and I really don''t think it''s worth the trouble.
DC data, however, has the most differences. In this case, I''m 90% sure that
L7-filter was way more accurate that IPP2P, because I saw a few of the users behind that Linux router our DC hub during the time that I waited for these values.

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