;The name of the ''orange'' day is: " . convertDayOfWeekToName(''orange'') . "n");
清单 8 展示了以有意义的方式抛出和处理异常。额外的错误处理不仅使代码更加健壮,它还提高代码的可读性,使代码更容易理解。处理异常的方式很好地说明了原作者在编写方法时的意图。
清单 8. 良好习惯:处理异常
* This is the exception thrown if the day of the week is invalid.
* @author nagood
class InvalidDayOfWeekException extends Exception { }
class InvalidDayFormatException extends Exception { }
* Gets the name of the day given the day in the week. Will
* return an error if the value supplied is out of range.
* @param $day
* @return unknown_type
function convertDayOfWeekToName($day)
if (! is_numeric($day)) {
throw new InvalidDayFormatException(''The value '''' . $day . '''' is an '' .
''invalid format for a day of week.'');
if (($day > 6) || ($day < 0)) {
throw new InvalidDayOfWeekException(''The day number '''' . $day . '''' is an '' .
''invalid day of the week. Expecting 0-6.'');
$dayNames = array(
return $dayNames[$day];
echo("The name of the 0 day is: " . convertDayOfWeekToName(0) . "n");
try {
echo("The name of the 10 day is: " . convertDayOfWeekToName(10) . "n");
} catch (InvalidDayOfWeekException $e) {
echo ("Encountered error while trying to convert value: " . $e->getMessage() . "n");
try {
echo("The name of the ''orange'' day is: " . convertDayOfWeekToName(''orange'') . "n");
} catch (InvalidDayFormatException $e) {
echo ("Encountered error while trying to convert value: " . $e->getMessage() . "n");
虽然检查参数是一种确认 — 如果您要求参数处于某种状态,这将对使用方法的人很有帮助 — 但是您应该检查它们并抛出有意义的异常:
清单 9 给出了几个几乎一样的方法,只是其中的值不同而已。有一些工具可以帮助找到复制粘贴过来的代码(参见 参考资料)。
清单 9. 不良习惯:类似的代码段
* Counts the number of messages found in the array of
* ResultMessage with the getSeverity() value of "Error"
* @param $messages An array of ResultMessage
* @return unknown_type
function countErrors($messages)
$matchingCount = 0;