

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-05-22
s as $m) {
    if ($m->getSeverity() == "Error") {
  return $matchingCount;
* Counts the number of messages found in the array of
* ResultMessage with the getSeverity() value of "Warning"
* @param $messages An array of ResultMessage
* @return unknown_type
function countWarnings($messages)
  $matchingCount = 0;
  foreach($messages as $m) {
    if ($m->getSeverity() == "Warning") {
  return $matchingCount;
* Counts the number of messages found in the array of
* ResultMessage with the getSeverity() value of "Information"
* @param $messages An array of ResultMessage
* @return unknown_type
function countInformation($messages)
  $matchingCount = 0;
  foreach($messages as $m) {
    if ($m->getSeverity() == "Information") {
  return $matchingCount;
$messages = array(new ResultMessage("Error", "This is an error!"),
  new ResultMessage("Warning", "This is a warning!"),
  new ResultMessage("Error", "This is another error!"));

$errs = countErrors($messages);
echo("There are " . $errs . " errors in the result.n");


清单 10 展示了修改后的代码,它将复制的代码放到一个方法中。另一个方法也进行了更改,它现在将任务委托给新的方法。构建通用的方法需要花时间设计,并且这样做使您能停下来思考,而不是本能地使用复制粘贴。但有必要进行更改时,对通用的方法投入的时间将得到回报。

清单 10. 良好习惯:带参数的可重用函数

   * Counts the messages with the given severity in the array
   * of messages.
   * @param $messages An array of ResultMessage
   * @return int Count of messages matching $withSeverity
  function countMessages($messages, $withSeverity)
    $matchingCount = 0;
    foreach($messages as $m) {
      if ($m->getSeverity() == $withSeverity) {
    return $matchingCount;
   * Counts the number of messages found in the array of
   * ResultMessage with the getSeverity() value of "Error"
   * @param $messages An array of ResultMessage
   * @return unknown_type
  function countErrors($messages)
    return countMessages($messages, "Errors");
   * Counts the number of messages found in the array of
   * ResultMessage with the getSeverity() value of "Warning"
   * @param $messages An array of ResultMessage
   * @return unknown_type
  function countWarnings($messages)
    return countMessages($messages, "Warning");
   * Counts the number of messages found in the array of
   * ResultMessage with the getSeverity() value of "Warning"

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