

作者 佚名技术 来源 平面设计 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-12
additional data may consume approximately 40KB.
One of the main reason that photographers choose Save As instead of Save for Web when sharing photos is so that the EXIF metadata (which includes camera information and shot details) can be displayed to other interested viewers. Most photo sharing sites (such as pbase) automatically extract this EXIF information, for the benefit of other photographers. However, considering that it also includes the time and date of the original shot, it may have privacy implications.

Photoshop 另存为


16-bit Mode
As Save As does not support for 16-bit images, it may be necessary to convert to 8-bit first, save and then undo the color depth conversion step if you plan to continue working on the file. You can convert to 8 bit RGB by selecting Image -> Mode -> 8-bits/channel. Save for Web automatically converts the color depth for you.



Photoshop Save For Web
The Save For Web dialog box doesn''t provide as much flexibility in the ouput image file formats as the Save As dialog, but it does offer more flexibility with each supported option. Supported output file formats include:
• JPEG - Selection of Quality level (1-100). No transparency.
• GIF - Different palette sizes (2-256) and dithering options define quality. Supports single-bit transparency.
• PNG-8 - Reduced color depth (2-256 colors) and dithering options defines quality. Supports multi-bit transparency.
• PNG-24 - "Lossless" 24-bit quality. Supports multi-bit transparency.
• WBMP - Black & White dithered output.
Main window for Save for Web
The focus on this page will be on the JPEG output format.

• Jpeg-可以设置图像保存质量(1-100%)。无透明度。
• Gif-通过设置调色盘大小(2-256色)和颜色抖动来确定保存图片的质量。支持单色透明度。
• Png-8-通过设置调色盘大小(2-256色)和颜色抖动来确定保存图片的质量。支持单色透明度。(原文中png-8透明度的说法貌似有误?)
• Png-24-无损24位质量。支持透明度。
• Wbmp-黑

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