additional data may consume approximately 40KB. One of the main reason that photographers choose Save As instead of Save for Web when sharing photos is so that the EXIF metadata (which includes camera information and shot details) can be displayed to other interested viewers. Most photo sharing sites (such as pbase) automatically extract this EXIF information, for the benefit of other photographers. However, considering that it also includes the time and date of the original shot, it may have privacy implications. Photoshop 另存为 另存为是用户输出最终图像文件的标准方式,因此对话框中有输出多种文件格式的选择。这种保存方式没有为低速数据传输方式(例如互联网)优化文件,保存的图像文件中包含了附加信息,因此文件体积较大。如后面所示,这些附加数据的体积可能接近40kb。 摄影者通常选择另存为而不是另存为网页格式的一个主要的原因是,在分享照片时,观看者能够查看到图片的Exif信息(包括相机和拍摄信息)。大部分照片分享网站(例如pbase)都能自动提取Exif信息,以方便其它摄影者查看。尽管如此,Exif信息包含着照片拍摄的时间日期信息,所以可能涉及隐私。 =============================================== 16-bit Mode As Save As does not support for 16-bit images, it may be necessary to convert to 8-bit first, save and then undo the color depth conversion step if you plan to continue working on the file. You can convert to 8 bit RGB by selecting Image -> Mode -> 8-bits/channel. Save for Web automatically converts the color depth for you. 16位模式 |
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