=============================================== 原作者 www.impulseadventure.com Photoshop Save As vs Save For Web One of the more confusing options in Photoshop CS2 arises when it comes time to save your edited image. There are two methods to save your photo: using the Save As dialog box or using the Save For Web dialog box. This article answers the question: what are the differences between save for web and save as, and when should I use Save for Web? Photoshop offers two options to save your image after editing: • File -> Save As ... • File -> Save For Web ... Both of these menu otpions create an output JPEG file from your working image, but they differ in both the available options, flexibility and representation of JPEG compression quality.
Photoshop另存为和另存为网页格式 Photoshop cs2中最易混淆的选项之一是在保存编辑过的图片时,有两种保存图片的方式——另存和另存为网页格式。本篇文章将解答另存和另存为网页格式有何区别,以及何时应该选择保存为web格式。 Photoshop提供了两种保存编辑过的图片的方式 • 文件->另存为 • 文件->另存为网页格式 两种保存方式都可以输出jpeg格式图片,但两种方式在jpeg压缩质量的选项、灵活度和表现上有所区别。
Quick Choice If you plan to...【You should use】 Create images for your website, or optimize the file as small as possible【Save For Web 】 Share images with others, and you want viewers knowing shot time/date, etc. 【Save As 】 Share images with others, and you do not want others knowing shot time/date, etc. For example, stock photos, or concerns over privacy 【Save For Web】 Convert your image to a given file size, or you want interactive feedback on quality settings 【Save For Web】 ... for all other cases【Save As】
快速选择 如果你想要…【那么选择的保存方式是】 创建网页使用的图像,或者想尽可能的优化图像文件的体积【另存为网页格式】 和他人分享图片,而且你希望别人知道你拍摄照片的时间日期等【另存为】 和他人分享图片,但你不希望别人知道你拍摄照片的时间日期等,比如用于图片库,或是需要保护隐私【另存为网页格式】 把图像文件压缩到指定的大小,或者你想要在设定图像质量时能有交互的反馈【另存为网页格式】 其它情况【另存为】
Photoshop Save As The Save As dialog includes a very large number of output file formats, as it is the standard method by which users will generate their final image files. As this output method is not optimized towards transmission over a low data-rate medium (such as the internet), additional information is encoded into the resulting image at the cost of increased file size. As shown below, this |