
深入学习JavaFX脚本语言(面向Swing程序员) ---(下) - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-17
t: 5                  }]                }                center: TextArea {                  font: new Font("Serif", Font.ITALIC, 16)                  lineWrap: true                  wrapStyleWord: true                  text: "This is an editable TextArea that has been initialized with its text attribute. A text area is a "plain" text component, which means that although it can display text in any font, all of the text is in the same font"                }             }           }         },         SplitView {           weight: 0.5           content: SplitPane {             border: CompoundBorder {               borders:               [TitledBorder {                 title: "Styled Text"               },               EmptyBorder {                 top: 5                 left: 5                 bottom: 5                 right: 5               }]             }             orientation: VERTICAL             content:             [SplitView {               weight: 0.5               content: EditorPane {                 opaque: true                 preferredSize: {height: 250 width: 250}                 contentType: HTML                 editable: false                 text: "<html>     <body>     <img src=''http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/examples/components/SplitPaneDemoProject/src/components/images/dukeWaveRed.gif'' width=''64'' height=''64''>     This is an uneditable <code>EditorPane</code>,     which was <em>initialized</em>     with <strong>HTML</strong> text <font size=''-2''>but not from</font> a     <font size=''+2''>URL</font>.     <p>     An editor pane uses specialized editor kits     to read, write, display, and edit text of     different formats.     </p>     <p>     The Swing text package includes editor kits     for plain text, HTML, and RTF.     </p>     <p>     You can also develop     custom editor kits for other formats.     </p>     </body></html>"               }             },             SplitView {               weight: 0.5               content: TextPane {                 preferredSize: {height: 250 width: 250}                 editable: true                 content:      

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