
深入学习JavaFX脚本语言(面向Swing程序员) ---(下) - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-17
           ["This is an editable TextPane, another styled text component, which supports embedded icons...n",                 Image {url: "http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/components/example-swing/images/Pig.gif"},                 "n...and embedded components...n",                 Button {                   contentAreaFilled: false                   icon: Image {url: "http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/components/example-swing/images/sound.gif"}                 },                 "nTextPane is a subclass of EditorPane that uses a StyledEditorKit and StyledDocument,n and provides cover methods for interacting with those objects."]              }             }]          }         }]       }     }

侮秘僥楼JavaFX重云囂冱(中?Swing殻會埀) ---(和)(9)

扮寂:2011-04-19 cleverpig


JavaFX Spinner才Slider窃嚥Swing怏周岻寂斤哘購狼泌和?

JavaFX何周 Swing怏周
Spinner JSpinner


深入学习JavaFX脚本语言(面向Swing程序员) ---(下) - 编程入门网

class Temp {       attribute celsius: Number;       attribute farenheit: Number;       attribute showCelsius: Boolean;       attribute showFarenheit: Boolean;     }     trigger on Temp.celsius = value {       farenheit = (9/5 * celsius + 32);     }     trigger on Temp.farenheit = value {       celsius = ((farenheit - 32) * 5/9);     }     Frame {       var temp = Temp {         farenheit: 32         showFarenheit: true         showCelsius: true       }       height: 300       width: 400       title: "Temperature"       content: Box {         orientation: VERTICAL         content:         [FlowPanel {           content:           [CheckBox {             text: "Show Celsius"             selected: bind temp.showCelsius           },           RigidArea {             width: 20           },           CheckBox {             text: "Show Farenheit"             selected: bind temp.showFarenheit           }]         },         Slider {           visible: bind temp.showCelsius           min: -100           max: 100           border: TitledBorder {title: "Celsius"}           value: bind temp.celsius           minorTickSpacing: 5           majorTickSpacing: 10           paintTicks: true       

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