Classworking工具箱: 分析泛型数据结构 - 编程入门网
作者 佚名技术
来源 NET编程
发布时间 2012-06-14
EmptySignatureVisitor() { public void visitClassType(String name) { m_upperBounds.set(m_upperBounds.size()-1, m_typeDirectory.getTypeInstance("L" + name + '';'')); m_isBounded = true; } }; } public SignatureVisitor visitInterfaceBound() { return new EmptySignatureVisitor() { public void visitClassType(String name) { if (!m_isBounded) { m_upperBounds.set(m_upperBounds.size()-1, m_typeDirectory.getTypeInstance(name)); } } }; } } } /** * Parameterized type description, with actual types substituted for all * type parameters. The actual substitution of type parameters into the * fields is done at the time of first use to avoid issues with * recursive class references. */ private class ParameterizedClassDescription extends TypeDescription { private final TypeDescription[] m_types; private final String m_name; private FieldDescription[] m_fields; /** * Constructor. This creates the description for a parameterized type * with type substitutions from the generic instance. This has to add * itself to the type directory during construction to handle * recursive references. * * @param sig signature including all type substitutions * @param types actual types used for instance (values may be * <code>null</code> if no substitution defined) * @return substituted type description */ public ParameterizedClassDescription(String sig, TypeDescription[] types) { super(sig); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.append(m_baseName); buff.append(''<''); for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { buff.append('',''); } if (types[i] == null) { buff.append(''*''); } else { buff.append(types[i]); } } buff.append(''>''); m_name = buff.toString(); m_types = types; m_typeDirectory.addType(this); } public FieldDescription[] getFields() { if (m_fields == null) { // make sure the number of parameter types is correct if (m_typeParameter |
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