Classworking工具箱: 分析泛型数据结构 - 编程入门网
作者 佚名技术
来源 NET编程
发布时间 2012-06-14
TypeDescription[] types) {
// first check for direct match on substituted signature
TypeDescription desc = (TypeDescription)m_typeMap.get(sig);
if (desc == null) {
// no direct match, first handle array
if (sig.charAt(0) == ''['') {
desc = new ArrayClassDescriptor(sig,
getSignatureInstance(sig.substring(1), types));
} else {
return desc;
* Get description for signature with type mapping.
* @param sig field signature for type variables
* @param tmap type mapping for variables
* @return type description
public TypeDescription getMappedSignatureInstance(String sig,
HashMap<String,TypeDescription> tmap) {
* Descriptor for primitive "class." There''s really nothing to record for a
* primitive type except the name, so that''s all this does. Because instances
* only need to be created and added to the directory at initialization, this
* is an inner class.
private static class PrimitiveTypeDescription extends TypeDescription
private final String m_externalName;
private PrimitiveTypeDescription(String iname, String xname) {
m_externalName = xname;
public boolean isPrimitive() {
return true;
public String toString() {
return m_externalName;
* Descriptor for array class. This is just a wrapper around the descriptor
* for the item type, with the same field list used for all arrays.
private class ArrayClassDescriptor extends TypeDescription
private final TypeDescription m_itemType;
protected ArrayClassDescriptor(String name, TypeDescription item) {
m_itemType = item;
public boolean isArray() {
return true;
public TypeDescription getArrayItemType() {
return m_itemType;
public FieldDescription[] getFields() {
return m_arrayFields;
public String toString() {
return m_itemType + "[]";
Classworking工具箱: 分析泛型数据结构(3)时间:2011-10-16 IBM Dennis Sosnoski清单 2 的代码使用内部的 PrimitiveTypeDescription 和 ArrayTypeDescription 类直接处理原生类 型和数组类型。原生类型在创建的时候就被添加到实际的目录(m_typeMap 哈希映射把类型名称或字段签 名与对应的类型描述关联起来),而数组类型则在被看到的时候添加到目录中。getTypeIns |
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