
Java套接字编程(下) - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-22
个字节数组buffer 和 buffer2感到奇怪,当接收到一个自寻址包后,getData()方法返回一个引用,自寻址包的长度是256个字节,如果要输出所有数据,在输出完实际数据后会有很多空格,这显然是不合理的,所以我们必须去掉这些空格,因此我们创建一个小的字节数组buffer2,buffer2的实际长度就是数据的实际长度,通过调用DatagramPacket''s getLength()方法来得到这个长度。从buffer 到 buffer2快速复制getLength()的长度的方法是调用System.arraycopy()方法。

List7 MCServer的源代码显示了服务程序是怎样工作的。

Listing 7: MCServer.java // MCServer.java import java.io.*; import java.net.*; class MCServer {   public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException   {    System.out.println ("Server starting...\n");    // Create a MulticastSocket not bound to any port.    MulticastSocket s = new MulticastSocket ();    // Because MulticastSocket subclasses DatagramSocket, it is    // legal to replace MulticastSocket s = new MulticastSocket ();    // with the following line.    // DatagramSocket s = new DatagramSocket ();    // Obtain an InetAddress object that contains the multicast    // group address The InetAddress object is used by    // DatagramPacket.    InetAddress group = InetAddress.getByName ("");    // Create a DatagramPacket object that encapsulates a reference    // to a byte array (later) and destination address    // information. The destination address consists of the    // multicast group address (as stored in the InetAddress object)    // and port number 10000 -- the port to which multicast datagram    // packets are sent. (Note: The dummy array is used to prevent a    // NullPointerException object being thrown from the    // DatagramPacket constructor.)    byte [] dummy = new byte [0];    DatagramPacket dgp = new DatagramPacket (dummy,      0,      group,      10000);    // Send 30000 Strings to the port.    for (int i = 0; i < 30000; i++)    {     // Create an array of bytes from a String. The platform''s     // default character set is used to convert from Unicode     // characters to bytes.     byte [] buffer = ("Video line " + i).getBytes ();     // Establish the byte array as the datagram packet''s     // buffer.     dgp.setData (buffer);     // Establish the byte array''s length as the length of the     // datagram packet''s buffer.     dgp.setLength (buffer.length);     // Send the datagram to all members of the multicast group     // that listen on port 10000.     s.send (dgp);    }    // Close the socket.    s.close ();   } }


在编译了MCServer 和 MCClient后,通

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